Morovi Island


Location: This dive site is separated from the mainland which is 21.2 nm @ 202 degrees from Dibba port of Oman

Type of Dive Site: The North East of this Island is wall. And on the Western side the reef slopes

Marine Life: Cleaning Station, Sea Horse, Eagle Rays, Scorpion Fish, Barracuda, Angel Fish, Parrot Fish, Nudibranchs, Snapper, Trigger Fish, Lion Fish, Eels and Whale Shark

Remarks: There are some currents in the channel which come from the North. Start your dive at the North side of this island and go with the current either on the left or on the right side of the reef. Another of the top sites that the Musandam boasts. Look out for the huge school of Barracuda as you enter the sloping reef section from the wall. Swim out 15m from the reef and look at the Barracuda in the channel